drawing my ideas

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I like drawing my ideas and visualizing what is in my head. I get ideas from different things – magazines, websites, pictures, drawings, etc., and I draw them, incorporating my thoughts and design ideas too.

reflective graph

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  • 1. get the questions 2. read about/the questions 3. interpret the questions 4. sketch what I already know 5. finding a direction to the research 6. read/look at it 7. research – ask people 8. research – mind map/brainstorm 9. research – online 10. research – library database 11. file all resources 12. read it 13. keep records 14. note-taking 15. harvest 16. essay plan 17. writing 18. structure/scaffolding 19. reread 20. edit 21. rewrite 22. check footnotes/citation 23. proofread 24. reread in light of the question 25. final polishing 26. submit 27. getting it back


Things that I LOVE doing:

  • sketch what I already know, research – mind map/brainstorm, research – online, file all resources, keep records, note-taking, check footnotes/citation, proofread, final polishing, submit, and getting it back

Things that I ENJOY doing:

  • read about/the questions, interpret the questions, finding a direction to the research, read/look at it, research – ask people, research – library database, read it, harvest, structure/scaffolding, reread, edit, rewrite, and rereading in light of the question

Things that I LESS ENJOY doing:

  • get the questions, essay plan and writing

This details my strengths and weaknesses in writing an essay and doing research. Time management is also important as it tells me what I should be spending time on especially with tasks that I am not so good at and not fond of doing. It might be useful to try and do the harder tasks first then have all the things I enjoy doing for later.

Reference: http://labsome.rmit.edu.au/courseware/4/DrawingsandGraphs.html

listen to upbeat music

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You know you have plenty of things to do, you stopped and realized that you have no clue where to start with the pile of work waiting to be finished…

In ‘better than chocolate: 50 proven ways to feel happier by Siimon Reynolds, he suggests to…

Listen to upbeat music | If you need a boost, music can have a quick and powerful impact on your mood. In fact, playing uplifting music has an 83% success rate in making people happier.

This technique actually works for me from time to time. If I feel that my brain is too tired to think and do not want to do any task for the moment, I have my music collection playing in Itunes. And have another open window in my computer, blogging and reflecting on my thoughts. Kind of like what I am doing right now as I type words in this post.

I always think that I need heaps of motivation to do my homework and constantly (too exaggerated maybe, but I think that this term is what I should use) think about my studies. But I should be quick to say that studying is just part of my life and there are other important things that I need to draw my attention to that will give me inspiration. But sometimes I just have that moment where I feel I have total control over my tasks, and then a second moment, I feel like I lost track of time (because time flies quickly not only when you’re having fun but when you have so much stuff to do) and unsure whether I will be able to finish all of it.

Being an organised person (as I think I have always been and told by people I know), I am used to writing to-do-list. But I have to admit it can get useless at times especially when I am too stubborn and not in the mood to care. But the good thing is, I feel that I often find even a small amount of motivation to think creatively about these tasks.

I read about a tip from Graphic Designers from a book called 1000 ideas from 100 Graphic Designers and it goes like this:

Surround yourself with talented individuals.

I was with my good friend in a bookshop and told her about this (expressing myself that I’m referring to her as one of the talented individuals to get my inspiration from). It sounded like a humour when I spoke them to her but I thought, ‘Hey, this actually works.’ I am not entirely a social person, but whenever a close friend is with me, who knows what I’m studying, a bit of my goals and ambitions, I feel keen to express more of myself and talk about stuff I want to do and accomplish in the future. I am eager to listen to what he or she has to say and exchange ideas as well. Sometimes we have different views and I like having little arguments between our thoughts.

Another tip I got from this book is this:

Keyword + Sketches. I always start with a list of keywords and branch it off as far as I can, then I begin to sketch things out.

I thought maybe I should haveve taken up graphic design because it seems as if I am more inclined to spending hours brainstorming ideas, visual images and coming up with a variety of designs. This is part of my great interests in terms of career-related matters. But here I am studying media. Such a broad term to navigate myself into and find a place to belong. But the good thing is (always think of the brighter and positive side) I have this interest (is it just an interest or something that I may want to pursue in the future?) that can relate to my other interests in media: audio, video, online, social and new media.

To be able to have this moment of reflection gives my mind some space to think of other things and move away from stressing too much about time, study load and so on. I think I’ve given myself enough time for this and time for other things to bring me back to my study space.


Cossu, Matteo (2009), 1000 ideas by 100 graphic designers, Beverly MA

Revote, Danica (2008), “Sculpture.” PP1 photography archives

Reynolds, Siimon (2004), better than chocolate: 5o proven ways to feel happier, Penguin Books (Australia) p 99

mood board

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http://www.flickr.com/photos/getfolksy/ / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

I’d love to spend my time creating mood boards to inspire me…

http://www.flickr.com/photos/haagenjerrys/ / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

…And surround my wall with post its…

http://www.flickr.com/photos/asgood/ / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


http://www.flickr.com/photos/ackolla/ / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

…and sketches

If there are things that I would really love to do for a day, maybe a week or so

I would love to browse art, graphic design and other creative magazines

Cut and paste interesting images, photos, and texts

Gather as many reference materials

And design them all together into mood boards

For a change

I’d like to try my own personal organised mess


acycakes. “The Great Wall of Post-its.” Image link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/haagenjerrys/407342518/

Collet, Andrea. “IxD Lab 2_Brainstorming.” Image link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ackolla/2274594100/

getfolksy. “Goldsmiths Mood Board.” Image link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/getfolksy/2656935498/

pondered the events of the day

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At the end of my class, I felt like not going home yet…I pondered in the park about the things that I need to do for honours. Hoping that somewhere in this moment of being alone and reflection, I’ll be able to get answers and figure out the steps to get from here to there.

A few more minutes passed by and I was just staring at blankness and came to realize the beauty of sitting quietly on a bench, enjoying the breeze, chirping of birds and sounds across the road.

I was waiting for my friend to whom I often feel comfortable sharing my ideas about anything and whom would be helpful enough to listen and give me feedback as well.

I put down my thoughts into words hoping to make sense of them and branch off ideas as far as I can, then I begin to write down to-do-list and steps to follow.

When she finally came, we enjoyed an hour or so chatting about each other’s concerns and studies. We stopped by a bookshop hoping to draw ideas, be inspired and motivated. Funny how I thought of the question “how will my honours project contribute to the things that I want to do next year?” over and over again, which is like asking my child-like self “what I want to become when I grow up?” repeatedly. From here, I started to brainstorm the things that I am particularly interested in. What if I incorporate one interest into this? For the purpose of brainstorming, I kept writing and didn’t think much about discarding ideas even if they’re not crystal clear.


Images above are photographed by Danica R.


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I had a long day today…

First time that I was late in class…was supposed to wake up at 7 am but ended waking up at 8:15 am. So that was how it felt like waking up in an instant knowing that you slept in. Oh well! I still made it to class nearly half an hour late.

I learned more about searching references online and using the RMIT Library during labsome today. Thought about reflecting further on potential research topic or problem for this semester. I still haven’t had my access card activated and I just can’t wait to use the labsome outside class hours. Not so good finding out that some of my classmates had their forms submitted twice because their first ones had gone somewhere. But hoping that by next week we’ll able to finally make use of the studio in our own time.

Later in the afternoon, I ran into a couple of my friends unexpectedly and thought it was fun. Then, I hung out with some of them afterward.

Going back to honours-related matter, I started looking out for books for my research. Though I haven’t really figured out what I am going to do for my project, at least I have some ideas and areas of interest that I would like to explore.

For my documentary in transient spaces, a friend of mine was really nice to lend me her psychology course dossiers that she thought might be of help in exploring issues surrounding community, self, identity, youth and culture. Hence, more reading and writing to come!


Images above are photographed by Danica R.

second week

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So far so good…

Initially thought that a class more on theory and discussions would be quite dull. But not in communication and revolutions class. It’s really amazing how Peter explains and elaborates important points for the week’s topic and selection of readings. I often have to re-read some of the articles a few times just to comprehend the idea, issues and arguments. Fortunately, Peter is really good at explaining terms and often backed up with historical facts to support them. The class is also provided with handouts that summarizes all points for the week’s readings. I also thought that the way the class schedule is organised is also good. Because we have a more traditional way of having class – Peter giving an overview of the essence of the readings, and in the second half we are given time to ask questions, give commentaries and basically discuss important matters as a group. For others this could be quite boring but I kind of like the usual note-taking and sharing of ideas in class. Also, since figuring out that my study habits have changed, reading and writing have to be done outside home and most likely in uni.

I have finally started utilizing Endnote and so far I can see it’s benefit of organising all reference materials for me. It’s quite easy to just fill up all data and Endnote does that job of storing and compiling them all for a bibliography. Consequently, it’s easier to take note of references particularly journal articles I found online as I go. Hence, much more efficient. Sourcing out references is a major task apart from reading and writing. These tasks are time-consuming and managing them is a challenge. There’s a need to keep up.


Revote, Danica (2004). “Crumpled Paper.” Hand-drawn.


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Funny how a simple sms can brighten your day…a simple sms could mean that the person who sent it thought of you. What makes this simple gesture more exciting is you never knew it will happen. Sometimes unexpected things bring magic especially to the person receiving it even if the sender is unaware of it.

Quotes though sometimes funny, sad, and even silly attracts your attention especially when it speaks for something your heart feels or what you’re thinking. You may laugh, cry, be inspired, moved or touched.

Using Twitter? With Twitter it makes it easier to read and share quotes and comments with others, note your favourites and re-twit them in a flash. But don’t expect them to be understood easily as it is you that keep holding back for what you really feel and fighting against what your mind thinks. Though it’s exciting to give away a hint of what the truth is, the beauty of it lies in its ambiguity. Twitter and Facebook is quite a match.


Revote, Danica (2009) “Lollies.” Photograph

quiet time

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It seems like my study habits and space are not as usual as they were back in media degree. I used to feel comfortable, relaxed and quite confident that I’ll be able to accomplish tasks at home. Not that I am not feeling comfortable, relaxed and confident anymore but it’s just that I find it really hard to focus on studying with so much temptations and distractions in the house.

TV is on and I can’t help but draw my attention away from reading. Try with Music on but I fall into daydreaming. Computer is always on and I’m often tempted to jump onto Facebook, Twitter and so on.

I guess I’m too comfortable within this space that I can’t seem to find enough motivation to keep up with studying. Yes, there’s no one else to blame. But I can’t help feeling that I have so much stuff to do academically and personally. This may sound as if I am not trying at all to change these habits or I am just whining. Perhaps, I need some more time with yoga to relax both mind and body.

First week back at uni has just gone past quickly. It was just the first week and here I am trying to adjust from everything else that has happened in the past. Quite difficult to do actually. A bit weird too.

Therefore, I told myself that I’m going to find time and perhaps a new space to work on my tasks. And this idea leads me towards looking forward to spending most of my study time at uni, more specifically in the labsome studio. It’s really quite exciting to have such dedicated space for honours students to do research + other stuff even outside class. But this creative studio gives that feeling of belonging and motivation to think. Very positive that I’ll enjoy hanging out, as I may call it casually, in this studio (for the sake of avoiding too much pressure, which I know never cease to exist).

Change is exciting especially when you initiate it…


Revote, Danica (2010) “Serenity.” Photograph

new blog

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Looking forward to my new blog!


Revote, Danica (2009) “Cityscape.” Photograph